Thursday, October 16, 2008

to my wonderful god-father...

jim, what is your email?
i dont have it... only an old one that doesnt work...
can you email me with it please?!
thanks... give the fam lots of squeezes for me!

Monday, October 13, 2008

some more pics!!!

here is a link to view some recent pictures.... a friend tony from seattle, a visit from kristin and andrea - while they had a break from soccer in germany, and my aunt and uncle at the last leg of their european cruise... and soon to come pics of my new apartment - i have a home! just need to make it feel like ¨home¨

Saturday, October 4, 2008

hey guys... many people have been asking for an address... i will give you the school address since someone is always here - just more reliable that way
so here is is...

c/ Domènec Carles
8 bxs. dta.
08348 Cabrils

... looking forward to hearing from you

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

beatuiful barcelona!!!

tapas tapas tapas...

Casa Mila (Passeig de Gracia, La Pedrera, 1906-1912)

this was one of my lessons i
made for the ¨little elephant¨ group
to learn body parts... they did
pin the parts on the elephant
(blind folded) :)

here are some of my darling