Friday, November 28, 2008

november photos

dig in kimmie!
mashed potatoes, stufffing, cranberries
turkey with stuffing, figs, apple pies (2)
and of course wine! i would say we did a
darn good feast! ummmm....

gobble gobble - making "turkeys"
sharing what we are thankful for...
the colored feathers were a highlight!

i love the old boats that are haning out on the beach

market to market!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

so many thanks!!!

On this day of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how blessed I am by so many of my wonderful friends and my unique family whom I absolutely adore! i am anxiously waiting to be home for Christmas and new years with all of my precious Seattle people!!!

Although the majority of Spaniards have not even heard of thanksgiving, Barbara decided to host a last minute dinner in honor of thanksgiving and the her teachers! She even managed to find a turkey (it had to be specially ordered )

so after all, I will get to have a thanksgiving meal, which, originally I didn’t think was a possibility, since I work till 8pm - no time for cooking ... how wonderful!?!

I get to end a lengthy day of teaching with a thanksgiving meal!!!

As I reflect on these last three months, I can see how amazingly everything has fallen into place. I realize that flexibility and acceptance of changes, opportunities and an unknown future, are necessary in order to maintain happiness as well as a positive outcome. It is pretty crazy how it all works out… and in a way I am not sure that I would have been able to plan.

It is a refreshing feeling for me to see how things have a way of naturally working themselves out, I wont disregard the patience it requires, but it is all worth it!

So to all those who have been such great support to an unknown plan – I am very grateful!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

it's not so warm anymore, but i can still get away with flip flops on occasion

Two months have now passed…
I can say I am living the life of café con leche, Spanish tortilla, late nights out and about, siesta, battling cigarette smoke, bottles of wine for under 3 euro (good wine too), narrow sidewalks, motor bikes everywhere, and catalan, a language unfortunately unlike Spanish.

I am living in an apartment along the Maresme, coastal towns and villages north of Barcelona. My apartments is just a few blocks from the sea, and a short walk to the bus, which takes me up to Cabrils where I spend most hours of the weekdays. It is a pretty quiet town, however Barcelona is just a simple train ride away, where I can find plenty of action!

Many of you know that I wasn’t exactly sure of what I was going to be getting into over here in Spain. I had only had a few unofficial hours set up to teach English per week, however it has turned into a full time job. I have counted that I have 15 different classes in a week! I have small classes, however it is amazing how challenging even such small groups can be. These kids are pretty ruthless. Quoting an owner of another English school “ Spanish students are like sharks”! I thought it was pretty funny, bu they are! It is the truth. Especially in a town like Cabrils, a fairly well off area, these kids take being teens to a different level, and many of the youngins even have a fiery attitude. I do have many cuties though, and am beginning to form nice relationships with the other students as well… it all takes time and patience!

funny story - i teach a 5th grader, edgar. he goes to a bilingual school and comes for help

It is wonderful having Kim here!
She finally arrived just a couple of weeks ago, after changing her flight multiple times because she was waiting on her visa. Nonetheless, she made it. We are enjoying each other’s company and the challenge of transforming an old lady’s apartment into a home for ourselves.