Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh the rain in Spain not only falls on the plains... I feel as if i am back in my lovely rainy city of Seattle... what a trick! my first week back here was so blissfully sunny with the impression that the days had begun warming up in preparation for springtime - but to my surprise the last week has brought chilled gusts of wind, gray and wet days - yuck!, i am ready for the sun to shine on down!
Along with the endless raindrops, i am battling some foreign virus, which all the kids have been oh so freely spreading around the mini town of Cabrils, needless to say my very intimate classroom - yuck ! once again. Those snotty kids - in more ways than one - have however are growing on me. All the hugs and smiles, and undeniable big brown eyes... they do melt my heart, so enough complaining.

I have enrolled in Spanish classes - yay! I have been meaning to do that ever since i moved over here, however it was impossible with my work schedule druing the fall. I had decided that when i cam back after the holidays I would rearrange some classes so I could sllow for a life outside of teaching English - goal accomplished! ... at least one checked off the endless list i behold
... so the Spanish classes? Indeed I did study in college - must I explain that languages are not simple, and I have to remind myself so I dont get bumbed out about not being "fluent" yet... it takes constant practice, and it can be discouraging... sometimes the words I want just dont come out - and with the majority of my days filled with the English language, Spanish classes are just what I have been craving... i have already met some wonderful people to say the least, Germans, English, French, Finish, Japanese... and it is such a nice change of pace! sitting facing the whiteboard instead of standing infront of it! Putting the grammar, vocabulary, and countless hours studing this language back into practice is very refreshing!
I have also added yet another highlight ot my weeks - samba reggae dance! instructed by my dear roommate kimmie! I love it, I love it! and that's all i need to say about that for now - it is just simply great.
Although my classes are still challenging and time consuming... I have found a steady rhythm, and it is so cool being a whitness to their great progress! Viva la vida
... once again, I am still missing everyone at home - you all fill my heart daily